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Gifts by Individuals

There are several ways for individuals to support Hope Partnership:

United Way

Hope Partnership’s donor number is: 29732.


Rays of Hope Monthly Giving

Your commitment to send a ray of hope each month can help give Hope Partnership a constant, reliable source of funding that allows us to budget based on stable and secure commitments. Choose to contribute $25, $50, or any gift of personal significance. Most Rays of Hope supporters use their credit card for their monthly tax-deductible contribution. Hope Partnership automatically processes this transaction on the 15th of every month. Several also send Hope Partnership a monthly check.


Corporate Matching Gifts

Hundreds of corporations offer matching gift programs to encourage charitable giving by current and former employees. Some companies match employee gifts on a one-to-one basis; others may match gifts as much as three-to-one. Check with your company for eligibility and contribution requirements, as well as the forms needed to generate this important source of support.


Cash Gifts

Gifts can be made by cash, check, or credit card.


A pledge payable over several years allows the donor to make a larger gift. Donors may choose a payment schedule that fits their needs.


Appreciated Securities

A gift of appreciated securities allows the donor to avoid capital gains tax.


Honorary or Memorial Gifts

A gift can be made to honor a family member, friend, teacher or colleague on the occasion of a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or retirement. It is also an especially meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one.


Life Insurance

Donors may receive a tax deduction by naming Hope Partnership as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.



Donors may designate Hope Partnership as a beneficiary in their will, in their IRA, or in other parts of their estate.



If you would like to help fund the four-year education of one child at Hope Partnership, explore our Scholarship Program.

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