how do i prepare for writing and defending my diploma

Middle School Mission & Vision


To provide each student with a secure, supportive, learning environment that will enlighten their minds and enrich their character. Hope supports students in developing academic skills and emotional habits of mind necessary to become caring and responsible individuals who make positive contributions to their local communities and to the world.


HPE’s Middle School Program is designed to help students become balanced, continuous learners who are academically and emotionally prepared for high school success. During their time at HPE, middle schoolers experience multiple teaching methods and diverse learning opportunities, leaving with the following qualities:


♦ A set of academic skills and habits of mind needed to

have a positive high school experience and

to be active participants in society

♦ A digital skill set that prepares students to responsibly and innovatively

use technology to support personal goals

♦ An understanding of Hope Core Values that create the framework

for reflection, problem-solving and deepened

awareness of self and other

♦ An ongoing sense of belonging and commitment to the Hope Community

through our Graduate Support Program

♦ A personal propensity for continuous learning

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