how do i prepare for writing and defending my diploma

Hope Stories

Please join us on May 3rd, from 5 – 7 pm for Hope’s first annual Science Fair! Students have been working hard to demonstrate all of the fascinating science facts they’ve learned this year. Come see a gallery of exhibits that include traditional projects such...

The Hope Alumni have been keeping busy this Spring! So many of our alumni have been making us incredibly proud with their phenomenal accomplishments. The Graduate Support Program is happy to report that not only are many of our graduates maintaining good grades, visiting colleges...

Hope’s Graduate Support Program has been quite busy this spring! Between eighth grade high school placement, after-school programs, community service hours, job placement, and tutoring, Ms. Holiday and our Hope alumni have had a full plate! Through a grant from Verizon, and with the help...

The choice to write about a second trimester honors’ assembly might strike some people as a rather mundane topic, but it is cause for a moment of reflection and gratitude for the faculty and staff of Hope Partnership for Education. As our students gathered in...

We’d like to make you aware of a group of people who are invisible, yet so instrumental in making Hope happen. These people are our Rays of Hope members. The idea was the brain child of a Holy Child Sister way back in 2005. She...

Since the inception of Hope’s Adult Education Program in 2006, Townsend Press has provided their superb language arts materials for our learners and teachers completely free of charge, including shipping. This is a tremendous support for our learners and our program. Townsend prefers that our...

The annual 100 Book Challenge Principal’s Lunch for Hope’s top readers featured eight eager students excited to share their latest read. Recommendations included the infamous Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo, a book current 5th graders said helped teach them important lessons such as,...

On Sunday, January 28th, Hope Partnership for Education opened its doors to NExT (Network of Extraordinary Talent) Philadelphia, an affinity group of the Urban League of Philadelphia to host a community Health and Wellness Summit. Attendees learned tips and tools to help them take control...

For the next five months, Hope students will participate in the World Affairs Council Jr. Model UN Program. This year’s research/activities will focus on gaining knowledge on two topics: Ending Food Insecurity and Protecting Women and Girls’ Access to Education. On January 22nd, seventh graders...

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