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Hope Stories

Some exciting developments are happening for Hope Partnership’s Adult Program. It was the recipient of a National Book Fund Award for $2,000 worth of books from Pro-Literacy Publishers, a publisher of adult education curricular materials. The program is also preparing for the first installment in the...

Though April was not the favorite month for our middle school students, since it was the month for PSSA Standardized Testing, it turned out to be a month of great support from our partners, from both near and far. The assistance started during the first...

Congratulations to to our staff here at Hope that have been recognized for excellence in their profession! Dr. Sharon DuPree - who serves as the head of school for Hope’s middle school program - was one 52 educators ors from throughout the U.S. who received...

From March 18th – 22nd, classrooms and halls of our school were filled with the spirit of joy, reflection and generosity. Our annual Spirit Week theme this year was Social Justice. Each grade chose an issue close to their hearts to learn more about. Topics...

Every March across the city of Philadelphia 7th graders have the opportunity to visit Archdiocesan high schools. For many of our students this may be the very first time for the them to travel alone on public transportation see what high school may like to...

“Before a child talks, they sing. Before they write they draw. As soon as they stand, they dance.” Phylicia Rashad At Hope, we understand the importance of arts in education. We know the arts add depth to a young person’s world and gives them the opportunity to...

Walk into Hope’s Adult Learning Center on any afternoon, and you’ll likely find the faces of our adult learners buried deep in books. Last November, Hope’s adult education teachers rolled out the Independent Reading Program (IRP) to help our learners foster a love of reading while strengthening literacy skills. Educational research...

Most of our readers realize that Hope Partnership for Education is unique in many ways. We are an education center and offer three programs; a state licensed middle school consisting of grades five through eight; a graduate support program, which follows our alums through high...

Have you ever seen a mummy before? Hope’s 7th grade students had the pleasure when they once again joined peers from across the region to begin research and travel activities for the World Affair’s/Jr. Model United Nations Program. This year, the global competency course...

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