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Our Core Values

Academic Excellence

We create an educational environment, where intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, continual improvement, a sense of responsibility, and reflective practice are the foundation for Hope’s academic orientation.


Teaching & learning as the central activities receive the highest priority
We provide a variety of learning experiences
We appreciate and nurture creativity
We emphasize on-going professional development
We foster responsibility as a life lesson


We promote an inclusive worldview where transformation and healing are integral to the life of Hope.

Therefore we teach and model:

That mistakes are opportunities for growth
That the material and emotional needs of children and families are addressed as much as possible
That justice education is an integral part of the curriculum


We witness to the living faith of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and the Sisters of Mercy as the cornerstone of Hope Partnership and believe that faith in God and one another will sustain the mission.

Therefore we teach and model:

An awareness of God’s presence in the ordinary
Our desire to work with all people and organizations that share a similar mission and values, especially the NativityMiguel Coalition


We strive to create a welcoming environment as the hallmark of Hope Partnership where people of all cultures and beliefs find a home.

Therefore we teach and model:

A cultural sensitivity and knowledge of the African-American and Latino heritage
That each new person and experience is a chance for growth


We recognize the promise of each new day and celebrate life’s goodness and beauty.

Therefore we teach and model:

That a learning environment is a place of joy
That each other’s growth is cause for celebration


We give priority to the uniqueness and inherent worth of each individual. Right relationships are prized as the basis for emotional and spiritual growth.

Therefore we teach and model:

Courtesy as a value
Non-violence and gaining skills in conflict resolution
The treatment of every family member, student, visitor, staff member, board and committee member, supporter, etc. with the same degree of consideration

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