Care Packages Show We Care

Care Packages Show We Care

Last month, we talked about the difficulties of remote education and what we were doing to help. We mentioned how each Hope adult student was shipped books selected for their reading level. The Adult Education program was surprised and delighted that a donor sent our students book care packages! This act was really going above and beyond for our students, especially when their own book warehouse is only open one day a week right now.

Each student received books tailored to their course ranging from Vocabulary Basics to Stories of Courage to Nibbles and the Crazy Science Experiment. In times that are feeling overwhelmingly uncertain – coupled with the separation distance learning brings – it is great comfort to receive such a gift of an item that one may feel. Reading words on paper that is hand-held not only gives the eyes a break from digital screens, but tactile touch brings a special sense of relaxation. Not to mention, the opportunity to read a book that may not have otherwise been picked opens the brain up to so many other ideas!

And our students love their books! The Adult Education inbox was pinging with text after text of students saying how excited they were to receive their care packages. One student said she liked From Best Friend to Bully so much she read it twice. Once alone, and once to her niece!

On behalf of all the students who reached out to share their appreciation for these books, Hope would like to extend our deepest and most sincere thank you to our supporters. This donation of books comes at just the right time.

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